- Ebenezer evangelical church -
church leadership
Board of Elders
Elders, Deacons & Ministry Leaders
Our church leadership consist of the Elders, the Deacons, and Ministry leaders.
Throughout the New Testament, principles of church leadership point to a central theme: plurality. We believes churches are best led with multiple leaders and good systems of accountability. Our Elders Board is a team of volunteers who provide spiritual oversight, direction, and leadership for the church. They entrust the implementation of that direction to deacons and ministry leaders under the leadership of the elders chairperson. This system of organizational leadership, allows the Elders to focus their gifts and time on their biblical mandate to lead and shepherd the church, while allowing the deacons and ministry leaders the opportunity to maximize their gifts and talents as they lead their ministries and make practical decisions on how to implement and carry out the direction provided by the Elders.

Israel S. Aga
Chair-Board of Elders
+47 450 10 746

member- Board of Elders
+47 908 19 295